Each GP practice must identify a practice boundary area in which it is able to safely deliver healthcare to patients.
This includes home visits or midwife appointments.
Upper Eden Medical Practice submitted a proposed change in our contractual boundary to North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) who oversee our arrangements.
This boundary change has been approved and will commence from Friday 1st November.
Please note, as a registered patient at the Upper Eden Medical Practice, you do not need to take any action.
If you would like to discuss this issue with an independent organisation, Health Watch Westmorland and Furness would be pleased to help. Health Watch Westmorland and Furness is an independent, community-based organisation for the people of Westmorland and Furness. They work to champion the views of patients and people who use health and social care across the local authority area of Westmorland and Furness, with the goal of making services better and improving health and wellbeing. Contact Health Watch on 0300 373 2820 or email: info@healthwatchwestfurn.co.uk. Health Watch have been contacted about this proposed change and are fully informed to be able to discuss your concerns.
Yours sincerely
Jane Little Sue Birkbeck
Head of Primary Care Practice Manager
This information is available in alternative formats and other languages on request. Contact us via email: ch.office@cumbriahealth.nhs.uk or by telephone on 01228 514830.
Proposed Boundary Change Information for Patients
Upper Eden Medical Practice (UEMP) has submitted a proposed change in our contractual boundary to the Integrated Care Board (ICB).
The reason for the proposed change is to offer better patient care. The practice currently serves a large area, which makes it difficult to manage in terms of providing primary care services and reduces the responsiveness of our clinicians.
Each GP Practice has a contractual Practice Boundary. The map at the top of the page shows the current practice boundary area, and the proposed change area (the shadowed area will be removed from the practice boundary).
The area that Upper Eden Medical Practice proposes to reduce is currently also covered by Appleby Medical Practice and Temple Sowerby Medical Practice. There is also a slight overlap with the boundary of Shap Medical Practice. These three practices are closer for patients living outside of the new boundary area to access. All neighbouring practices are in agreement with the proposed change.
What this means for you as a patient at Upper Eden Medical Practice?
For existing patients already registered with Upper Eden Medical Practice, there would be no change for you, even if you currently live outside the new boundary. You will remain registered with the practice.
However, it is your right as a patient to choose a GP Practice nearer your home that takes patients from your current address. You can find further information on finding a GP on the NHS website. Please be mindful that some of the GP Practices may not take patients from your area.
What if I move house?
If you move outside of the Upper Eden Medical Practice new boundary in the future, you will be asked to register with a new GP practice closer to your new home. If you move and you are still within the Upper Eden Medical Practice new boundary, your registration at the practice will remain.
What about family members in my household?
All members of the family living at an address within the new boundary area will remain registered at the practice. If a family member moves out of an address which is within the new boundary area, into an address outside of the new boundary area (e.g. moving from Kirkby Stephen to Hoff), they will be asked to register with a new GP practice closer to their new home.
Young adults under the age of 18 and children, who live at more than one address will still remain registered at the practice if this is their main residence. Other cases will be agreed on a case-by-case basis as we appreciate every family have different circumstances.
When will the boundary change take effect?
It is hoped that the practice boundary area will be finalised in September 2024. If the proposal is approved, the practice will immediately implement the new catchment patient registration guidance.
What if I have more questions?
To find out more information and to see the latest updates, please visit the UEMP website.
Fill in a feedback form about proposed changes to our practice boundary